Reflection #1: January 13th 2025

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What is a worldview?

A worldview is a combination of different aspects in ones life that heavily impact an individual’s approach to life and their perspectives and actions. There are many different aspects of someone’s world view; spiritual perspectives, political stances, personal morals, roles in society, social structures and philosophical approaches and opinions.

How would you describe your worldview?

I believe that as human beings we all have a purpose in life that has been set out for us. I am a strong believer that if it is meant to be, it ultimately will happen. I am strong in my faith and a higher power (God) and that He has created this world and has a plan for every one of us. I am a strong believer that loving others is the most important thing. The world needs more love and there is no reason to spread hate, at the end of the day, be kind to others. Grace and love goes a long way.

I also believe that education is critical within society. Everyone should have access to education. Unlocking knowledge and life long skills is something that nothing can compare to. I have a strong opinion that the land and other people can teach you the most. Indigenous ways of knowing and learning is something I am passionate about as well as holistic healing. Connection with the land and those around you is a strong part of my educational philosophy. I believe the best way to learn is by doing, and strengthening critical thinking and problem solving skills through trial and error.

Social-emotional learning is something I have done a lot of research on. Being in tune with not only your own emotions but other peoples emotions and being able to thrive in a social environment directly enhances your learning journey. Connection is the key to success. Spending time to get to know your students, their parents, and your colleagues is critical when creating community within your classroom and workplace.

While thinking about your own worldview, also consider the impacts of your ethnocultural, socioeconomic, geopolitical and spiritual identities.

Ethnocultural: Born and raised in Canada. Both of my parents and grandparents were also born and raised in Canada. I believe this impacts my personal experiences and opinions because I have not explored many other cultures other than what I am used to here in Canada. I am very aware of this and knowing that I do not have

Socioeconomic: Coming from the middle class, I am aware this plays apart in who I am and where I stand politically as well as how it shapes my views of society and what I know from personal experience.

Geopolitical: As someone who grew up with parents and family members who were not always vocal about their political stances I have adopted a similar political view. I know they have more “liberal” perspectives, although it has never been a very talked about subject in my family. Although, growing up with my mom being a teacher I have heard a very consistent viewpoint politically especially when it comes to what party ultimately supports education and teachers best. I am aware this has impacted how I view society and different world problems as well as the education system.

Spiritual: Growing up a Christian has shaped the way I view the world to this day. I am aware of how this has shaped me as a person, as well as, how it impacts how I walk through each day.

Why, as a teacher, is it important to be aware of your own worldview, as well as those of your students and school community?

It is extremely important to be mindful of what worldviews and opinions you bring into your classroom. As an educator I believe it is important to be as neutral as possible in the classroom. I believe ultimately there are so many different aspects that can cause controversy not only in everyday life but especially in the classroom and I think it is critical that students are aware of these differences, and feel confident in what they believe in, but in addition I strongly believe that students need to learn that everyone has different opinions and beliefs and it is important to respect everyones view points and perspectives and be a well-rounded human.

Every student comes from a different background, different parent and family dynamics, etc; therefore, it is crucial to ensure as an educator you are mindful and aware of these differences and to remain a neutral stance and encourage discussions and respect for all perspectives.

What can you do, as a teacher, to ensure that your worldview does not impede the success of diversity of learners in your classroom

I think as a first step in ensuring that my worldview does not impede the success of diverse learners in my classroom I first need to be aware of my own personal worldview. To begin, just being mindful and reflecting on how it may impact my teaching and knowing the boundaries I will set when it comes to my own personal beliefs in the classroom is the first step.

By providing diverse and a variety of perspectives and views I think this will ensure every student feels confident in their own background and views. In my classroom I will make sure that no student feels uneasy about their own personal morals and opinions because everyone has the right to their own beliefs. Being sensitive to my approach of teaching content areas that may been intertwined with complex elements will allow me to create a welcoming and comfortable environment.

One Response

  1. judi61

    Kylie, What a nice start to your reflections for EDCI 330. yes, one must be mindful as a teacher when approaching personal viewpoints and beliefs. From your thoughtful reflections, I trust that you will walk the walk!

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