Weekly Reflection #5- Using Graphics in The Classroom

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Graphic Creation in The Classroom

I personally use Canva as my method for creating graphics. I plan to utilize this source in my own classroom by creating a variety of graphics for my class as well as creating slide shows and posters.

Below is the graphic I made using Canva. I created this graphic to include in my Free Inquiry post for this week. I included an eye catching title as well as bright colours and appealing images to keep the graphic simple but bright and interesting.

How I Plan On Using Graphics In The Classroom:

I plan on using graphics in the classroom to introduce new content in an appealing way. I also plan on making my own graphics to include in the classroom for different tasks as well as for handouts. Lastly, I believe that encouraging students to learn how to make their own graphics to show their work or use graphic creation as a way to present a school assignment, truly fosters creativity in the classroom.

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