Free Inquiry #6 – How Can Technology Support SEL In The Classroom?

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Technology & SEL in The Classroom

This week I decided to explore how technology can support Social Emotional Learning in the classroom, and what that may look like.

Firstly, I found the website that goes in depth about Edtech and the correlations with SEL


Typically when people think of technology, they may have a jaded perspective of how it can be used in the classroom, especially when it comes to Social Emotional Learning; however, educational technology and social emotional learning can go hand in hand in the classroom. For example, social emotional learning focused on encouraging students to learn more about their emotions and how to communicate their feelings, as well as communicate with others in general; technology can enhance this practice within the classroom by ultimately providing students with a louder voice when tech is used in a proper and effective way.

Technology provides students with a wider variety of ways to express themselves and things they are interested in. This ultimately provides more opportunities to learn about who they are and different ways they can express that.

One of the most prominent ways that technology enables social emotional learning in the classroom, is providing students with the opportunity to work on self guided assignments and learning styles. They are able to learn about things they actually care about and are interested in learning about; therefore, students are more likely to be encouraged to try their best and be more invested in the content.


Aside from how technology and social emotional learning can work together to enhance SEL in the classroom, there are also many different tech resources that educators can use within their classroom to bring Social Emotional Learning into the classroom on a daily basis. See graphic below for apps and websites that would be great additions to the classroom!

Graphic by Kylie Flynn

The connection between SEL and technology, when you think about it, is a fairly logical one. This is largely because students get to experience more authentic learning while they use tech tools in a real way. 



 “In social-emotional learning, tech tools help kids explore more than the ‘here and now.’
• There are many different ways EdTech solutions can enhance your SEL experiences.
• Technology can sometimes help to close developmental and social gaps in kids.
• Combining SEL and technology often helps your students create connections.
• Integrating tech tools intentionally can ignite development of key SEL skills.” via EduPorium


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